Sunday, June 03, 2012

Most Advanced Form of Writing: Facebooking

Finally its here. The 200th  blog post. Its been a slow and long climb that started in the year 2005. Lately blogging is not getting most attention like the Facebook. And hell yeah, the same Facebook is one main reason why I have kept blogging two arms away.

The pup inside every one of us is more happy to see or expect to see the instant feedback through likes/comments. The likes and comments are just one rewards like throwing biscuit at the dog which has done one activity. Facebook makes us do some activity and its rewarded back. Without the reward, Facebook would go the way Twitter gone - barely floating for only one reason than any - huge user base like big hull of the ship. The recent valuation Facebook got, still after keeping away the botched up high IPO debut drama, is telling fact for the hold it has over us. Thats in stark contrast with Twitter, which is undeniably strong but lacks the dimensions Facebook represent.

Facebook is taking the traditional pinning down of memory like writing a blog, narration in to whole new direction. By laying down rules, the rules we follow without even knowing they are rules. Take example of life status update, events, images, videos, event invites, attending the event, association with groups. All these are called as activities inside Facebook, but in reality they are rules that channels our activities which we otherwise do in unstructured fashion all across the web like

  • blogging at Blogger, Wordpress, now defunct Geocities; 
  • uploading images at Flickr, Photobucket
  • joining groups at Yahoo Groups, countless lists
  • micro blogging at Twitter, Tumblr etc
  • creating/attending event through MSN Calender, Yahoo Calender etc.
  • sharing the sites through etc..

So when all the different activities we do as said above continued, as you can see there is no one single way to correlate. Facebook, over the years since its internet debut, combined all these activities by putting as focal point and that made Facebook Timeline UI debut as matter of patch release rather than technology breakthrough. Facebook should be credited for pulling us into the information swirl without even making us realize we are in mid of the swirl. With that said, Facebook takes us into new era of writing/creating information by playing within the rules it has put in place. And Facebook can be rightly credited with taking most of us into most advanced form of writing. Facebooking.

That completes 200th of my blog post.