Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Breakfast with Stranger

Few days back when I was having breakfast at my ELNET Software City office cafeteria, I was surprised by a stranger sitting across the table I chose to sit.

That stranger didn't ordered for any food

That stranger didn't had any cash

That stranger didn't entered through proper gate. It actually gatecrashed into cafeteria.

That stranger didn't dressed nicely

That stranger didn't showed any courtesy

That stranger didn't cared to speak the language I know

That stranger didn't allowed me eat. whenever I go for a piece of meal, that stranger interrupts me from having it

Totally an unfriendly guest....

Out of anger and anguish I decided to expose this stranger so that anybody spots this guy, can be beware of characteristics and keep away...

Oops.... how stubbornly it shares your table even if you dislike it
(backdrop is the entrance area of TIDEL park)

no remorse for any indecent things... just stays on...

height of irresponsibility.... stares straight at me...

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Kuppuraj & Deepa Birthday Celeb @ Sify

Kuppu Birthday Celeb on 29th Oct,

A very happy birthday to Kuppuraj

There is a Gang of Four pattern, but this gang doesn't have any achievements to say.. but any case its worth knowing their names.
From L to R: Jayesh Rathod, Pachaiappan, upcoming hollywood director Vellore Suresh, Nagarcoil Tamilselvan, Tanjore Senthil, Loyola Ajay and Singapore Ramesh

Here is the birthday baby Kuppuraj

Birthday baby having his share of cake

Deepa Birthday Celeb on 5th Nov,

3 candles doesn't mean this birthday baby is just aged 3... true to software engineer's instinct... each candle assigned a value of 10... now add and find out the age...
candle is kind of variable... because the height varies in direct proportion to the time it burns.... so its variable right.. and its right to assign a value to variable right?

here comes the birthday girl Deepa in extreme left...

then comes a legend to add more value to the whole event...
yes you guessed it right... Its me...
From L to R: Gujarat Jayesh, Raghav, Karthik(Me), Pachai, Kannan and Tamil

which legend was accepted without confrontation and criticism???
Galileo was severely criticized by Roman Catholic fraternity
And here the legend in making Karthik is being singled out for no reason by Jayesh...

Our key campaign manager to conduct all our events...
and together Vidya

Here comes the greatest friendship that Sify has ever seen..
Yamini and Deepa

Getting into action... Cake tastes good... Some said...

Deepa and her external soul & skin Janani

Our campaign manager in action...

You can guess the power of our campaign manager now...

inner soul and external soul... celestial meeting...

A thoughtful gift sivakamiyin sapatham... what an idea sir ji...