Friday, February 29, 2008

Bucknored? Bensoned? Confused? Get It Clarified

Its still not clearly known who actually is the winner in the ongoing India touring Australia, but few things are certain Umpire Bucknor who is supposed to be walking the middle line has undoubtedly won the news publishers headlines of all the Cricket crazy nations. In addition to that few went to the extent of creating new English words in line with their on field activities in the current tour...

Here are those words and its meaning...

Bucknor: (n) (adj)
1. Temporary blindness leading to missing out on the obvious.
2. To be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

3. Situations leading to grave judgmental errors.

Usage: I feel bucknored by my boss; Life often throws a bucknor at you.

(n) (adj)
1. Something that legitimises a severe bucknor.
Usage: First they bucknored me and then they bensoned it! I am toast.

Also see bucknor

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